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There are a handful of apps that'll let you post to multiple social networks, but there are only a few that'll track your statistics across multiple services. The latest entry in this social tracking club is Static for iPhone by Jayson Layne of Freshbytes.

Static lets you track statistics across multiple online services including Twitter, Instagram, Google Analytics, Dribbble and Github. Each account is listed on the main screen of the app and tapping on the vertical bar shows details like the number of followers, number of posts and so on. Static has a minimalist interface that shows you only the important stats without any distracting fluff.

Layne plans to add support for additional online services in future versions of the app and users can use the "Request a Service" button to tell him which service you would like to see next in the app. The more requests he gets for a particular service, the higher the chance it will be added in an upcoming revision.

Updates and notifications are two items missing in this first version of Static. You can update your stats manually by pulling down on the main screen, but there is no automatic background checking. Notifications are also absent, so you can't setup alerts for changes in the number of website page views or the number of twitter followers. Hopefully, these features will be added in a future version of the app.

overall, Static is a great first effort from Layne and Freshbytes. You can check out Static by downloading the 99-cent app from the iOS App Store.

Data source: tuaw (Kelly Hodgkins)
The app on the App Store click here

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