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Caviar Grand Complication Skeleton collection

Caviar last week announced the launch of its latest custom creation product for iPhone XS models, and it is about a built-in skeleton watch. The firm is well known for its expensive and extravagant iPhone cases, it takes the original Apple iPhone case away to replace it with a custom luxury one.

This Caviar’s lineup casting, which is called Grand Complication Skeleton, inspired by luxury watches, and comes in three assortments; pink gold, black and gold, and titanium, featuring iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max with the same Apple storage size availability.

luxury Caviar Grand Complication Skeleton

The Grand Complications Skeleton collection has a mechanical watch with an accurate Swiss mechanism, farmed and surrounded by matching engravings and guilloche patterns, while the front of the device remains as it is.

the watch in Caviar Grand Complication Skeleton collection

The mechanism of the watch viewed clearly and the watch has a crown on its right side used to wind the clock manually.

"We've been keeping this development as a secret for a long time, that's why now we're especially happy to present it to your attention. We ourselves are fascinated by the idea of the meeting of the heritage of the past and the achievements of the future in the body of one device. We got used to thinking that a smartphone is all we need today and this is our whole life. But in fact, our life is not limited by the technologies only. The passage of time, majestic and implacable is still worth watching by real hands. The watch is, if we may say so, the beginning of the progress, the mechanism, from which everything has begun. This is why a mechanical watch today is a real luxury."
Grand Complication Skeleton iPhones are limited to 99 pieces in each colorway, Caviar etched each number on the side of the customized iPhone.

the serial number in Caviar Grand Complication Skeleton collection

The prices begin for the new customized iPhones from $6.320 for a 64GB titanium iPhone XS model and raise to $ 8.080 for a black and gold iPhone XS Max in 512GB storage, for more info on Grand Complication Skeleton collection check out Caviar website.

titanium luxury case of Caviar Grand Complication Skeleton

Caviar sells also other customized luxury iPhones made from different unique materials and designed intricately.

Data source: Caviar via MacRumors


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